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The Saviours’ Army is a movement that calls on all people to rise up against rhino poaching

We are fighting a war against rhino poaching and a war needs an army.

But unlike the enemy we face, our army is a peaceful one.

One that instead of taking lives, saves them.

An army of saviours.

The Start

A compelling visual campaign in November 2023 at Motswari Private Game Reserve featuring the Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit, the Umbabat Counter-Poaching Unit, high-profile celebrities like international actor Ben Dahlhaus, fashion models from Boss Models Cape Town, well-connected individuals in the creative industry and rhino scarves painted by children who have participated in educational arts programmes by Lalela.

The Outcome

A powerful synergy for social impact through a shared passion for creativity, community and conservation.

The Culmination

An immersive extravaganza blending art, music, fashion, community and conservation.


No Guns. No Kill. No Harm.

Will you stand with us?

Get in Touch

Keep updated with our news on Facebook and Instagram


Saviours’ Army | Ai-Mee Ding
Saviours’ Army | Ben Dahlhaus
Saviours’ Army | Black Mambas
Saviours’ Army | Dylan Boerstra
Saviours’ Army | Fred Benistant
Saviours’ Army | Lead Anti Poacher
Saviours’ Army | Lalela
Saviours’ Army | Marius Renke
Saviours’ Army | Black Mambas 2
Saviours’ Army | Umbabat field ranger