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Functions we have
delivered to help awareness
and raise funds

Sara Wilson – Rhino Residency December 2019

Sara is an Ambassador for Rhino Disharmony, on this project, her visit to Motswari involved a photographic shoot for Fashion Says No focusing on two aspects, one of which is beauty with rhino symbolism and the other is integrating rhino and fashion intrinsically.

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Vanessa Berlein – Rhino Residency June 2019

Vanessa studied fine art at Natal Technikon, South Africa, majoring in painting. Since 1987, she has worked full time as a fine artist, predominantly working in paint medium, although has experimented in photography, print medium and sculpture.

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Duet of Marion Geiger and Tian Jiang at Motswari Private Game Reserve in aid of raising funds for Rhino Disharmony

Saving the Rhino through Art: Documenting Rhino Disharmony

Documenting collaboration, expression and real experiences with the rhino, world famous artists come together to speak out against rhino poaching, the best way they can, through art.

Tian Jiang plays in an unusual setting for Rhino Disharmony

A moving heartfelt piano concert at the home of Rhino Disharmony’s founders. Played for a very small and lucky audience at Motswari Private Game Reserve.

The Last Dance

The greedy Fatman poaches and no one survives. A collaborative effort at Motswari Private Game Reserve’s #CoCreate workshop led by Artist Ambassador Beezy Bailey.

Rhino Disharmony concert featuring Tian Jiang and Zolani Mahola

On April 13th two great musicians from China and Africa, classical pianist Tian Jiang and Freshlyground’s lead singer Zolani Mahola collaborated for a night of beautiful music and artistic expression. Rhino Disharmony’s Artist Ambassadors donated sculptures, photography, painting and mixed media to promote unity against rhino horn usage.

The Search: where have they gone?

Rhino Disharmony with Meise Zwillinge, Motswari Private Game Reserve, Godfrey Mathebula & Boss Models

Tian’s concert with a tiny Red Piano

Tian Jiang and Zolani from FreshlyGround perform together at Geiger’s Camp in aid of Rhino Disharmony

Mapping Disharmony by Marion Geiger and Tian Jiang at Geiger’s Camp, Motswari Private Game Reserve

A Rhino Disharmony event where two Ambassadors come together and express themselves through their art to help us communicate the threat against the rhinos in Africa. A phenomenal evening delivered at Geiger’s Camp by Tian Jiang and Marion Geiger-Orengo, Motswari Private Game Reserve on Monday 8th April 2019.

Rhino Disharmony concert in Cape Town – April 2015.

St Cyprian’s Concert April 2017